MY NAME Shalece Mendez
I LOVE My husband & dogs (Javier, Chico & Bella)
SIGN Cancer
INTEREST Traveling, reading, taking photes and scrap booking
hiking, biking and running
MY FAVORITE FOOD Mexican・・・spicy food!!
MY FAVORITE MOVIE When a man loves a woman & Pretty woman
THE PLACE I WANT TO VISIT While I am in Japan I would like to visit Kyoto, because it is a historical mark for Japan, Sapporo for the snow festival, and Okinawa. Additional countries I would like to visit are Australia, China, Brazil, El-Salvador, Costa Rica, Spain, and
I am sure a whole lot more.
THE BEST PLACE I HAVE BEEN TO I have been lucky to have traveled to many places like Russia,Germany, England, poland, France, Italy, and many places in the states. The most memorable place has been Italy because of friends I was able to meet.
JAPANESE/JAPAN WHAT I THINK I was surprised by all the mountains and how beautiful the scenery is out here. Also what an experience to be so close to the world’s largest city, Tokyo. Finally, I have been very impressed with how pleaseant the Japanese culture and people are.
MY TIP FOR STUDENTS Do not just learn, be inspired and opened to adventure!!



埼玉県:入間、狭山、飯能、所沢、日高、鶴ヶ島、川越、坂戸 etc
